QR Code (Free)

This product is a free plugin and automatically added to your account and should be accessible through Revit on installation of the plugin.

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QR Code Tokens

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Unlock the Future of Design with our Cutting-Edge Version-Controlled QR Code!

Experience the ultimate in customization as you take control of your QR code’s visual style and coloring, and even add your personalised logo.

But that’s not all! Our innovative QR code solution empowers you to harness the power of Revit’s built-in and custom-shared parameters. Store, monitor, and seamlessly access all your essential drawings with a simple scan. Discover in an instant whether your drawing is the latest version or if there’s a more up-to-date document waiting for you.

Our pricing structure operates on a straightforward pay-as-you-go basis. By purchasing tokens, each token corresponds to a drawing. Notably, if you use the same drawing number for a subsequent update of the QR code’s branding, or if project data or revision numbers change, it won’t consume additional tokens. Upon creating a Penguin Tools account, you’ll receive 10 complimentary tokens for testing purposes.

Compared to alternative systems, our solution is cost-effective and boasts a user-friendly interface that grants immediate access to all your drawings. It empowers you to swiftly identify whether a document is up-to-date or obsolete on the go. This functionality significantly diminishes errors resulting from miscommunication and delays in releasing revised documents to the correct personnel on site. Consequently, spotting outdated documents sooner greatly reduces errors and the misuse of inaccurate information, ultimately cutting overall costs on-site.”

QR Code Tokens


Out of the box, the QR plugin generates a basic QR code using the default profile and title block position from the built-in Autodesk title block. It utilizes the “Sheet Number” parameter in Revit for all drawings, resulting in a black-and-white pixel-based QR code.

Customizing QR Codes:

To customize the QR code, click the “Edit Profiles” button. Here, you can edit existing profiles, rename them, or add new ones using the adjacent button.

Customizing Drawing Names:

Modify the drawing name by default, based on the “Sheet Number.” Add additional parameters assigned to the sheet category of the model, including built-in and custom parameters, by double-clicking or using the add button. The first column lists input parameters, while the second column shows desired parameter combinations.

QR Code Styling:

Choose between standard appearance and pixelated QR code styles. Customize pixel shape and coloring options, selecting from preset colors or advanced color modes. Enable or disable logos and select a PNG format logo for placement at the center of the QR code.

Title block Location Customization:

To adjust the QR code placement location, click “Edit Titleblock” on the home page. Choose from a list of saved title blocks, adjusting X and Y coordinates and QR code size in millimeters. Recommended practice involves placing the QR code at 0,0 and adjusting dimensions accordingly.

QR Code Synchronization:

Access the main QR interface to view a table listing all drawings in the model. Review QR code names, sheet names, drawing version/revision, and online revision. Yellow status indicates a missing revision, blue denotes a fresh drawing, red signifies a higher online version number, and green confirms the latest registered version.

Updating Information without Changing Revision:

If the QR code status is green, indicating the latest version, you can resync the QR code without consuming additional tokens. This is useful for minor updates like modified drawing names or revision descriptions.

Syncing QR Codes:

Choose to sync all QR codes with valid version numbers and sufficient tokens or select specific sheets from the table. Click “Sync” to initiate the synchronization process.

Token Management:

If the number of tokens is insufficient to sync all drawings, a popup interface will display the current cost and available tokens. The synchronization process proceeds until all available tokens are utilized, after which no further drawings will be processed. If you need further tokens you will need to buy them from the penguin tools plugin site.

Up coming features

  • The addition of borders to the QR codes. This will be things such as “Scan here”, “Version Controlled Document”, etc.
  • Customize the colors of the QR code eyes to be different from the rest of the QR codes.
  • Supporting group sharing of QR codes so you can create a share group and all members can access the same QR codes and update them.
  • Supporting colored backgrounds.

Supported Versions

Autodesk Revit 2023

Autodesk Revit 2024

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